Tuesday 9 April 2013

Top Ways to Determine If Your Friend is a Zombie

We talk about surviving the impending zombie apocalypse (duh!), but have you ever thought how you would determine if your friend or partner is an undead or not.
Yes. This is perhaps the most useful list of all times.
You're welcome.

 1. He or she has a mysterious bite mark and when you ask about it, he or she is evasive about it's source.

 2. He or she walks staggeringly, when sober and has a vacant look about them.

 3. He or she can't enunciate anything other than a heartfelt 'BRAINS'.

 4. If he or she has a perpetual vacant look on their face and may not notice when walking into walls or doors.

 5. If they can't climb stairs.

 6. They stink and don't get embarrassed when you pointedly gift them deodorant on their birthday.

 7. You catch them trying to eat your cat or your mom.

 8. They have a bias against The Walking Dead.

 9. They don't die when you accidentally shoot them in the stomach.

 10. They had died two days before and now they're watching television with you.

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