Wednesday 10 April 2013

Top Things That Are Just Wrong

There are a few things in this world that are just plain wrong. You question their existence and frown at their presence before you.
Here's a list of all such things, which are just wrong!. 

 1. Cold Coffee 

It is coffee..which is cold?..I know everybody LOVES a cold frappucino on a hot summer day, but IT IS COFFEE WHICH IS COLD!..

 2. Aishwarya Rai's accent

Aishwarya Rai's non placeable accent makes an appearance in the many crossover movies she has done, perhaps more prominently in The Pink Panther 2.

 3. Twihards

They love Twilight. Enough said.

 4. 300 haters

Epic battle scenes, Gerard Butler, multiple 6 packs, Gerard Butler, awesome effects, Gerard Butler, incredible cinematography...and did I mention Gerard Butler.
Hating 300 is like hating chocolate..just wrong.

 5. Justin Beiber, Nicki Minaj, Rebecca Black

I don't need to elaborate on this one. No, I don't.

 6. Favorite characters dying unexpectedly

*Spoiler* Fred, Dobby, Mad-Eye, Lupin, Tonks, Sirius, Dumbledore, Cedric, Hedwig, Snape, Colin, Finnick, Prim, Rue, Ned Stark, Robb, Catlyn, Robert, Dale..and so many more!...

 7. Parents who think their naughty (devil) kid is SO cute

That is one thing I hate the most.  A random kid will come up to you and say something rude or hit you, and their parents will be cooing and beaming like their kid is a freaking genius, and then patronizingly shake their heads and look at you and say 'Kids...'.
Wrong Wrong Wrong

 8. Miniature Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Miniature?..They are so tiny that you can eat a million of them and not be satisfied. 
Ugh, now I am craving for one.

 9. Exams

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong

10. Non Punctual people

Allocated time is for a reason!.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Top Ways to Determine If Your Friend is a Zombie

We talk about surviving the impending zombie apocalypse (duh!), but have you ever thought how you would determine if your friend or partner is an undead or not.
Yes. This is perhaps the most useful list of all times.
You're welcome.

 1. He or she has a mysterious bite mark and when you ask about it, he or she is evasive about it's source.

 2. He or she walks staggeringly, when sober and has a vacant look about them.

 3. He or she can't enunciate anything other than a heartfelt 'BRAINS'.

 4. If he or she has a perpetual vacant look on their face and may not notice when walking into walls or doors.

 5. If they can't climb stairs.

 6. They stink and don't get embarrassed when you pointedly gift them deodorant on their birthday.

 7. You catch them trying to eat your cat or your mom.

 8. They have a bias against The Walking Dead.

 9. They don't die when you accidentally shoot them in the stomach.

 10. They had died two days before and now they're watching television with you.

Monday 8 April 2013

Top Foolproof Ways To Beat the Heat

It's April and we're melting. Sun is slowly sucking our will to live and THIS. IS. WAR.
Here's a list of some foolproof ways you can win against the inhuman heat!

 1. Migrate to the North or South Pole

Hello Polar bears and penguins. I know I may be committing a lot of geographical blasphemies here, but I am not in my correct senses as I am sitting in a temperature in which I can easily cook an omelette on my head. Moving to either of the poles is one foolproof way to combat heat issues, if you don't mind the inhuman cold. You can't have everything, you know.

  2. Hostile takeover of Soft drink companies

Free cold drinks for everybody!...Philanthropy is cool, which in turn makes you cool hence beating the heat. You get it? You get it?...
I am so lame, I don't know why my friends are friends with me.

 3. Invention of pocket refrigerators

One of the main travails of summer is keeping chocolates or ice creams from melting. I have a single tracked mind and it focuses only on food, particularly junk food, so it is a huge problem for me when I have to drink my KitKat instead of eating it like normal humans.
Please Scientists, Pocket refrigerators, please.

  4. School and colleges permanently shut down during summer months

The idea of spending all day, lying on the bed, sleeping, in an AC room, with cool nothing short of ,for the lack of better term, AWESOME!

  5. Watch Game of Thrones

With Ned Stark proclaiming 'Winter is coming' and watching Jon Snow battle the Others on the cold, cold Wall, you don't feel so hot anymore.

  6. Stay away from Twilight

What you choose to stay away from is relative, for me its obviously Twilight, but the idea is to stay away from anything which makes your blood boil. 
Yes. I have exceeded all normal standards of lameness ever recorded.

  7. Watch Silence of the Lambs

Or any horror movie for that matter, it s sure to send CHILLS down your spine!

 8. Go Bald 

In Tyra Banks' words- It's edgy, it's high fashion and it's fierce.
There you go!

 9. Watch Harry Potter

I don't know how that would help combat heat, but it's Harry Potter..and it should be here. Period.

 10. Avoid movies featuring Hugh Jackman

Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Henry get the drift right?..These men are too hot for ban!