Wednesday 27 February 2013

Top Things You Can Say To Annoy a Harry Potter Fan

I would sincerely advise you not to speak out any of the following lines in front of an HP fan. The result won't be pretty.

 1. Harry Potter is for kids.

 2. Twilight is way better than Harry Potter!

 3. Robert Pattinson is better as Edward Cullen than Cedric Diggory.

 4. 'I just LOVED the 8th book'

 5. Daniel Radcliffe is not a good Harry Potter.

 6. Harry Potter promotes evil and witchcraft.

 7. OMG!! Team Edward or Team Jacob!

 8. Twilight is such a well written piece of literature.

 9. OMG! OMG! I am such a HUGE Harry Potter fan!..I have watched all the 8     movies...books?..There are books?

 10. Stephanie Meyer is a better writer than JK Rowling.

 11. David Tennant looks ridiculous.

 12. Severus Snape is so ugly..eww who would like him?

 13. Quidditch is stupid.

  14. I think the movies are better than the books.

  15. Harry should have ended up with Hermione.

  16. Ron Weasely is so annoying!

  17. I don't like Gingers.

  18. What is Starkid?

  19. James Potter doesn't deserve Lily
  20. Dumbledore is stupid.

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