Saturday, 29 December 2012

10 Things wrong with Twilight

I know it's a list that has been done thousands of time before and will be done in future, this has to be done.
Its sort of auspicious in a way, some Twilight bashing always sets a nice pace for the posts to come, so if you're a Twihard (an offensive term in my dictionary), it's best you stop reading now, because I'm not good at dealing with hate from immature people who have poor taste in literature and movies.
I'm not generally a judgmental person, but as soon as I find out that a person likes twilight my respect for that person is lost. Completely.
So here goes.

  1.  Ruining the pre-existing image of brilliant mythological creatures

          Twilight has been successful in ruining the image I had in my mind of Vampires, Werewolves            and humanity in general. Vampires used to sexy, mysterious creatures who were deliciously evil..and then came the Cullens. They drank animal blood, wore high fashion and GLITTERED IN SUNLIGHT LIKE FAIRIES. Any further argument is now invalid.
Then came the beefy and hunky 'Werewolf', which let me clear here Jacob was not. He was a shape shifter, an animagus if you will. He could shift his shape, ie. turn into a werewolf, anytime he wanted..umm full moon, painful transformations..hello?
As for humanity, I think the number of Twihards in the world justifies that point of mine.

   2.  Abusive Relationships

        Edward bans Bella from meeting any of her old friends, and goes as far as kidnapping her from her house and kept her captive in his house, at which Bella reacted by coming on to him, which is a whole different point altogether. Edward clearly doesn't  respect Bella's decisions and know what Edward..just go glitter in the sunlight..

   3.   Pedophilia and Necrophilia

       Edward is 104 years old undead Vampire and Bella is a vapid teenage human being.
       Jacob is a teenage shape shifter (I refuse to use the term Werewolf for him) who is in love with a NEW BORN BABY. I rest my case.

   4.   Feminism fail

      Isabella Swan is a slap to the face of the strong female characters that have been created by hundreds of authors in the past. Bella gladly suffered the mental abuse Edward imparted on her (ok, maybe I'm being a little harsh here but he kidnapped her, for heaven's sake), would rather spend time with her boyfriend and another hot guy who had the hots for her, in a tent while others and had a rather alarming desire to die and come back as an undead vampire, lured by the supermodel-esque looks and top of the range fashions and probably Edward's bling problem. What is wrong with you..seriously?

  5.  Disgrace to the world of literature and movies

      Stephanie Meyer writes like a kid who has been handed a thesaurus. I may be too critical of her writing but if you haven't guessed by now, I have a huge bias against Twilight. The plot is thin, the themes are downright silly. The whole thing was touted as a 'forbidden romance' of sorts..what was so forbidden about their romance? They dated , the parents knew, and they got married too AND had a kid..nobody stopped them..well except a bunch of feminine Vampire Elders, but like the characters in the book, nobody cares about them. The characters are poorly sketched, lack depth and the reader feels absolutely no connection with them (and no, drooling over Edward's abs is not a connection).
The pre-exisitng mythological creatures are poorly researched and presented.

   6.  Turned Tweens into sex crazed humans

        I lost my faith in humanity when I read a Facebook post of a 13 year old, claiming how hot Edward is and the unspeakable acts she would love to do with him if she got the chance. Now I'll admit that Twilight is not meant for a 13 year old but it is a fact that 90% of the Twihards are between the ages of 12-14. Ok I totally made that up but majority of the Twilight fans do fall in that age group.

  7.  Touted as the next Harry Potter

       When I first saw an article which mentioned that Twilight was the next Harry Potter, my blood literally boiled. I can go on and on about the reasons, or I'll make a list of reasons how Harry Potter trumps Twilight with epic proportions, but more on that later.

   8.  Kirsten Stewart

        I do not need to elaborate on this one. If you've been reading till here then I think you'll agree with me.

   9.  Wrong Message imparted

        If your boyfriend watches you sleep at night, without your knowledge, and forbids you from seeing your friends and pressurizes you to marry him when you're barely an adult, then you have the 'World's Best Boyfriend!'
It's perfectly acceptable for you to ditch a real good friend, who stood by you when you were a total mess over your break up with your glittery boyfriend, in the favor of the aforementioned glittery Vampire boyfriend, just because he is more glamorous.
If your abusive boyfriend leaves you...commit suicide.
*in case its not obvious, the above statements are sarcastic*

  10. Pansy villains

        There are absolutely no respectable, scary and menacing villains in Twilight. And no a bunch of pretty looking, vengeance seeking vampires do NOT count.


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