Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Top Things You Can Say To Annoy a Harry Potter Fan

I would sincerely advise you not to speak out any of the following lines in front of an HP fan. The result won't be pretty.

 1. Harry Potter is for kids.

 2. Twilight is way better than Harry Potter!

 3. Robert Pattinson is better as Edward Cullen than Cedric Diggory.

 4. 'I just LOVED the 8th book'

 5. Daniel Radcliffe is not a good Harry Potter.

 6. Harry Potter promotes evil and witchcraft.

 7. OMG!! Team Edward or Team Jacob!

 8. Twilight is such a well written piece of literature.

 9. OMG! OMG! I am such a HUGE Harry Potter fan!..I have watched all the 8     movies...books?..There are books?

 10. Stephanie Meyer is a better writer than JK Rowling.

 11. David Tennant looks ridiculous.

 12. Severus Snape is so ugly..eww who would like him?

 13. Quidditch is stupid.

  14. I think the movies are better than the books.

  15. Harry should have ended up with Hermione.

  16. Ron Weasely is so annoying!

  17. I don't like Gingers.

  18. What is Starkid?

  19. James Potter doesn't deserve Lily
  20. Dumbledore is stupid.

Top Books That Are So Epic That They Blow Your Mind

 There are books, and then there are BOOKS!
These books are so epic that reading them just once is considered blasphemous, in my head, atleast.
Here's a list of said books.
*The list is in no particular order and may or may not contain spoilers*

  1. Harry Potter series by JK Rowling

The fact that Harry Potter features on this list, should not come as any surprise. But my normal, and not psychotic, liking (read: obsession) aside, Harry Potter books are epic in the truest sense of the word.
They are well researched, all the characters are beautifully sketched and the themes are astounding.

  2. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

I don't know how many people will agree with me on this one, but I have always considered this book as one which is far ahead of its times. It not only celebrates strong female characters, it also features themes which were not generally seen during the time of the book's inception. Even if you are reading it for the umpteenth time, you will be as engaged in the life of the 'Little Women' as you were the first time you read it. Trust me, it's a treat.

  3. Kane and Abel by Jeffery Archer

Once again the consensus on this one might not be in my favor, as some choose to call the book slow and slightly dull. Well, too bad for them, Kane and Abel happen to be one of my favorite books. Spanning over decades, it tells a story of two boys, born on the same day, but to vastly different fortunes.
I can't even describe it without choking up on the epicness of it all!

  4. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini

There are not many books which leave a lasting impact on you,' A Thousand Splendid Suns' is definitely one of them. Set in Afghanistan, it features a poignant tale of two women whose path intercross in the most tragic of circumstances. It is painful, emotionally draining and, for a lack of better term, awesome.

  5. Good Earth by Pearl. S. Buck

The book is a little slow, agreed but, as clichéd as it may sound, it takes you on a journey so heart wrenching that you cannot put this book down. the book tackles the issue of the oppression of women in China and the revolution beautifully, hence earning it a spot on this list. 
I am horrible at descriptions, read it to believe it.

  6. Godfather by Mario Puzo

It is perhaps one of the most gripping novels I have ever read! It is intense, compelling and the objectivity with which the author presents the horrific crimes, leaves the readers free to make their own judgements.

  7. The Bride Quartet by Nora Roberts

These four books are perhaps the sweetest, most romantic and awesom-est books ever.
The women are independent, strong willed, and not afraid to get what they want. It's just perfect.

  8. You Belong To Me by Mary Higgins Clark

Any Mary Higgins Clark's book is fit to be in this list. They are absolutely captivating and keep the reader on their toes guessing what happens next. With blood chilling suspenses and a strong female character (usually), her books have always been my favorite in this genre. This one particularly, is an extremely thrilling, and shocking example.

  9. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte 

Once again, a book way ahead of it's time. So I have a penchant for books which feature strong female characters, and Jane Eyre is one of the best example of that. *Additional bonus*  Mr Rochester. Enough said.

10. Madame Tussauds by Michelle Moran

Michelle Moran, in this semi biographical fictitious account of the life of Madame Tussauds, manages to captivate, entrance and engage readers completely. The accounts are detailed and well researched and the characters are vivid and well sketched. Once again a strong willed, independent female character. Yay!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Top Cringeworthy Movie Clichés

 There are a few clichés which have been existing in the cinematic history of the world.
We have accepted them, laughed at them and shook our heads at them, but no movie is complete without these. 
Here's a list of some clichés present in the movies.
*this list is in no particular order*

1. The bad guys are beating up the dashing hero. The hero is on his last breath, he is being held up by two henchmen of the villain, while the main villain slowly advances with a knife towards the poor, dying hero.
*BAM* enters the hero's sidekick and punches the villain, a sudden energy enters the previously dying hero, and they both finish off the bad guys in a silly choreographed fight sequence.
sounds familiar?

2. Isolated house, newly wed couple, spooky background score.
Windows rattle in the night and lights go out randomly on their own accord. The girl witnesses et all and takes heavy breaths, casts exaggerated panicked looks all around and cries incoherently about a third 'presence' in the house to her happily unassuming husband, who promptly blames all her visions on her imagination.
This is the basis of all horror movies of Bollywood, and it never changes!

3.  All members of alien species wear the same outfits, including clothing, hairstyles, and jewelery. This makes them readily identifiable. Aliens who do not dress like aliens are hiding something. And they inexorably speak perfect english too!

4. The characters never sneeze show any symptoms of being any less than of perfect health, except coughing. That's a sure sign of a terminal illness. 

5. United States is the prime target for all alien activity, dinosaur attack, and mysterious interplanetary force invasion, you get the drift, right? Any freak attack will happen only and EXCLUSIVELY in the United States only. Hell, the zombie apocalypse starts there!

6. As soon as the main character holds out his/her arm out, a taxi/cab or an Auto rickshaw appears out of thin air, but taxi/cabs or Auto rickshaws are suspiciously absent when the character is running from an evil mastermind or is being followed.

7.Evil geniuses are thoughtful enough to put up a huge LED display on the time bombs planted by them, so that the hero won't have much difficulty in defusing the ticking bomb. How sweet. Bleh!

8. You can type ANYTHING on google and you will find it in the first few links. How? How?
Where is this ever accommodating google when I'm doing my assignments?

9. When your loved one or a newly discovered sibling lays bleeding from a gunshot wound, you don't do the sensible thing of calling the ambulance or performing emergency first aid, nooooo!. You hold them warmly in your arms, cursing the Gods or berating them from leaving you all alone in the world!

10. If you fell off a cliff or are involved in a near fatal car accident, or the evil villain has plotted to kill you off and has nearly will be rescued by a family of  a nearby village or a tribe and if you are a guy, then one of their daughters will fall in love with you and you will return, much stronger, to take revenge.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Top Feistiest Female Characters in Literature

There are only a few characters, in literature, who manage to leave a lasting impact on us.
Here's a list of top female characters who are awesome and bad ass (as usual, my lack of skill in describing things shows up!), I might have missed a few, so forgive me.
PS: The ladies are ranked in no particular order.

   1. Hermione Granger (J.K Rowling)

That I love Harry Potter, is no big secret, but you all will agree that having Hermione Granger on this list is justified, and not just one of my blind judgements.
J.K Rowling has managed to write such an amazing array of characters, strong and deep, and Hermione Granger is one of them. She refuses to dumb herself down to be more appreciated, she doesn't let anyone else run her life, she is self sufficient and not to forget, 'the smartest witch in their year'.
Hermione rock!

   2. Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)

One of the most inspiring female characters of all time, Jane Eyre kicks ass in a time where women were no more than secondary citizens.
She is strong minded, individualistic and compelling, and she holds her own with the brilliant Mr. Rochester! 

   3. Katniss Everdeen (Suzanne Collins)

She supports her family, hunts like a pro and volunteers as a tribute in a 'gladiator-esque' game, in place of her little sister. Katniss Everdeen does not let any guy dictate her life either, all this makes the girl on fire, one of the strongest female literary characters in a long time.

  4. Mrs.Weasley (J.K Rowling)

'Not my daughter, you b****'...Mrs. Weasely, on first glance, will appear as a kind, matronly, mother hen, but don't be fooled. Mrs. Weasely can kill a Death Eater, as she can knit a jumper. J.K Rowling again astounds us by bringing forth such a powerful character, showing the world that if a woman chooses to manage her home and family, she isn't weak. 

  5. Luna Lovegood (J.K Rowling)

Again a character by J.K Rowling, but can I help it?
Luna Lovegood is a quirky, brilliant and all together awesome human being. 
J.K Rowling stated that Luna Lovegood is one of the rare people who actually doesn't give a damn about what people think of her!
In a world full of self image issues and identity crisis, Luna Lovegood is a breath of fresh air!

  6. Daenerys Targaryen (George R.R. Martin)

Mother of dragons and Khaleesi of a Dothraki clan, Daenerys Stormborn is one hell of a character. Right from amassing a slave army to preparing an attack on Westeros, Daenerys gives all the other kings a run for their money!.

  7. Josephine March (Louisa May Alcott)

Josephine March is another character who is ahead of her times. A writer, she is free spirited, hot tempered, willful and strong.
For most part of the book, Jo has a job, which was unusual  for a young lady with an upper-class background in nineteenth-century America. She is ambitious and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She scores top marks in the 'Strong Female Characters' category!

  8. Miss Marple (Agatha Christie) 

She might appear to be a harmless, sweet old lady, but beware.. her mind is as sharp as a knife.
The character of Jane Marple is delightful. On the surface, she appears to be just a nosy, gossiping old lady, but her sharp logical mind and deduction prowess never fails to impress me.

  9. Cleopatra ( William Shakespeare)

Cleopatra is charismatic, passionate, ambitious, powerful, cunning and awe inspiring. Clearly one of Shakespeare's strongest and feistiest female characters.

  10. Lisbeth Salander (Steig Larson)

With a mysterious and painful past, Lisbeth Salander is a really interesting character to read and explore. She's fiercely independent, stubborn, and intelligent, and isn't afraid to use violence, to save herself. She's motivated, focussed and street smart, and the tattoos and piercings do give her an intimidating and bad ass status!