Tuesday 3 March 2015

Top Reasons Why You Should Quit Everything and Watch The Night Shift!

That I love TV shows is no surprise. That I exaggerate certain things *everything* is also not unusual.
But when I say drop everything and watch NBC's, 'The Night Shift' right now, I mean RIGHT NOW. 

The show is riddled with cliches pertaining to this particular genre, a bad ass, good at heart, brilliant doctor with a devil- may- care attitude, an uptight administrator, with whom he constantly clashes, and a host of diverse characters with emotional baggages of their own. Sounds familiar?

There have been a bazillion number of TV shows of the 'Medical Drama' genre, so what makes The Night Shift different?

Read on to find the top reasons why The Night Shift is one of the best things on television right now.

  • Eoin Macken

I had sworn to myself that I would keep my unhealthy obsession with this particular man out of this list. But I failed.

I am only human.

Eoin 'Gwaine' Macken, with his gorgeous hair and his said bad-ass-ness, plays TC Callahan, the rules- be- damned doctor, with a heart of gold. He is ex- army, loved by all and is generally just busy being awesome. I admit I started watching The Night Shift only after I found out that he is going to be in it. I am shallow like that. But seriously, Macken is brilliant, gorgeous hair aside, he is absolutely terrific as the highly skilled, yet emotionally damaged character, TC. 

  • 'What The Hell' cases

TNS *abbreviations are cool* features the happenings of the night shift at the ER of San Antonio's hospital, which is situated near a military base. So the cases that the characters handle are always absolutely crazy and thrilling. Blood and gore, aplenty. You were warned.

  • The characters

The show features a diverse range of characters, right from a still- in- the- closet- gay doctor, to a couple of liable interns and a group of other distinctive characters, you instantly take a liking to.

  • Everything Topher does 

Ken Leung's character, Topher, is one of my new favourite characters of television of all times. He is 100% sarcasm and 0% damns.
He is funny, smart, sassy, sarcastic, and generally awesome. Topher FTW

  • Eoin Macken

Sorry! Last time, I swear.

  • This

Every cast member's instagram is flooded with totally awesome pictures of the set, the cast and crew chilling or just messing around.
Not that I stalk them all the time.

Maybe I need help.

  • It's just all round fun

If you're looking for romance, yet low drama, high octane emotional scenes, absolutely crazy medical cases (however medical inaccurate they may be), or are just bored, then drop whatever you're doing right now, and watch The Night Shift now.


Last, but DEFINITELY not the least,

  • Eoin Macken

OK, Now I'm done.

So go and tune into The Night Shift, and you can thank me later.